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Sponsor our Movie Night

The Clemton Park Public School P&C Association is holding a Movie Night event at the school on Saturday 9 September 2023. This will build on the great success of the school’s sold out Movie Night in 2022, which was attended by more than 600 members of the school community.  This year, we have a bigger movie screen to allow even more people to attend. 

The Movie Night will help to raise money for this year’s fundraising goal of creating a new outdoor play and learning space.  The new “Passive Playground” will be a quieter part of the school, offering an environment where students can develop their social skills in a space that is less overwhelming than the main playground. 

As we prepare to welcome families to the Movie Night event, the P&C is offering local businesses an opportunity to connect with the local community and support the school by becoming event sponsors.  The sponsorship options are detailed below. 

Sponsorship Process

Sponsorships for 2023 have now closed! Please contact us by email if you have any questions: 

Sponsorship applications will be reviewed by a panel made up of P&C Executive Team members and the school Principal. Applicants will then be notified of the outcome of the review approximately 1 week after the closing date. 

In reviewing the sponsorship applications, the panel will aim to have a variety of different business types within each level of sponsorship to avoid a conflict of interest when promoting various goods and services. 

The Clemton Park Public School community is made up of approximately 550 students and their families. It is expected that up to 800 people (children and adults) will attend the Movie Night this year.

Platinum Sponsorship: $1,000

Our 3 Platinum Sponsors will receive: 

  • Business logo featured on all Movie Night promotional material, including website, printed flyer and digital communications. 
  • Business logo featured as a stand-alone still image screened on a loop (with other sponsors), 30 minutes prior to the movie screening, in the form of “We would like to thank our Platinum Sponsor: ABC Bakery”.
  • An opportunity to run a Market Stall at the Movie Night event.
  • Business logo displayed at the event on corflute sign posted in the ground and on display for the event duration. 
  • 10 weeks of advertising in the school newsletter. 

Gold Sponsorship: $500

Our 7 Gold Sponsors will receive: 

  • Business name, website and logo featured on the Movie Night website and logo on the printed event flyer. 
  • Business logo featured as a stand-alone still image screened on a loop (with other sponsors), 30 minutes prior to the movie screening, in the form of “We would like to thank our Gold Sponsor: ABC Bakery”.
  • 5 weeks of advertising in the school newsletter. 

Silver Sponsorship: $150

Our 10 Silver Sponsors will receive: 

  • Business name, website and logo featured on the Movie Night website.
  • Business logo featured on a slide with other sponsors, 30 minutes prior to the movie screening, in the form of “We would like to thank all our Silver Sponsors”
  • 1 week of advertising in the school newsletter. 

Bronze Sponsors: Prize Donations ($20 - $100)

Prizes will be awarded to children who participate in activities during the lead up to the movie screening. Businesses are invited to donate prizes that are suitable for children aged 5-12 years.

Our Bronze Sponsors will receive:

  • Business name and logo featured on the Movie Night website.
  • Business name announced when prizes are awarded.

If you have any questions, please contact the Movie Night sub-committee via email: